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Hello lovely, welcome​


I live, play and work in Warrnambool, Gunditjmara country. I’m a doting fur Mumma, Fertility Angel, self care devotee (give me a trip to the hot springs any day!) and a chai snob. 


I too have had my own journey with fertility challenges, an anxious mind and burn out. I've been where you are and understand how it feels to feel lost, unseen on your healing journey.


Which is why it's my greatest passion and honour to support women to connect with themselves, feel safe in their bodies and infuse their lives with JOY!

Heart of a healer,
mind of a witch,
soul of a priestess

It was my own journey with burnout, infertility and dis-ease that led to me supporting women as a heart-led Integrative Bodyworker, Womb Hara Therapist, Women's Mentor and Facilitator of Women's Retreats and Circles. 


I have spent years jumping between careers, ticking off certificates & not giving myself permission to truly rest and feel joy. I've relied on my masculine energy source to get through life (the masculine energy loves to push & do & tick lists), so much so, my nervous system, mental health & physical body ended up in shambles. I became so caught up in TTC and running from the pain of infertility, that I never gave myself the stillness I needed to discover who I truly was at my core. I felt completely lost.


I desperately wanted to conceive so as someone with a type A personality, my approach was like any other goal in my life: commit, focus and conquer. And if that failed: repeat.


Needless to say, month-after-month when I didn’t conceive, rather than resting and honouring my body, I would push harder. 


I threw myself at every fertility supplement I could get my hands on, tried every diet I came across, and took on advice from anyone and everyone.


My life quickly became consumed by all things conception, ovulation windows and pee sticks. 


However, regardless of how hard I hustled or how many supplements I shoved down my throat, that one pink line would still stare back at me each month. As my hope dwindled, so too did my inner light and joy.


I began to think I was broken, comparison crept in and I found myself unable to be around other pregnant women/people without wondering: ‘What am I doing wrong?’ and ‘Why her and not me?’ 


I became bitter and anxious and I turned on my body and my womb for failing me/us. I despised my period, and would spiral into depression each month when I bled. 


I’m not sure when it happened, but in time, my perspective began to shift. I came to realise that the most supportive thing I could do on my conception journey, was to start trying to enjoy life again and do things that lit me up.


I discovered that I was in fact my own greatest healer, the wisest adviser on my body (not everyone else I’d been enlisting for support!), and that joy was my only way forward.


Once I saw this truth, I couldn't unsee it. Still deeply desiring, but no longer consumed by the goal of conceiving a baby, my heart cracked open and I realised ...


This isn’t happening to me, this is happening FOR me.


Game. Changer.


And while I don’t yet hold my baby in my arms (in fact, I think this chapter is coming to an end for me), I can hand on heart say that I am immensely grateful for my journey and the path of deep healing and self-realisation it has taken me on. 


Yes, I still experience heartache and grief (I am human after all), but I now live with an unwavering trust within myself, and know that I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be in my life.


And this is why I do what I do as a Womb and Fertility Therapist, Postpartum Doula, Health Mentor and Integrative Bodyworker for Fertility Angels ... 


Because I want women to know that there is nothing ‘wrong’ with them, or their bodies.


Society has conditioned us to believe that, as women, our worth lies in our ability to conceive. It doesn’t. You are not sick - the messaging the world has fed you is sick.


And I want women to know that the most supportive thing they can do for themselves, and for the baby they wish to conceive, is to embrace joy! Although I know this can feel really hard sometimes, these feel good hormones support conception, rather than put unnecessary stress on the body like the TTC ‘rules’ often do. 


Do you feel called to work with me? Take a peek at my services here...


Want to know get to know me a little more? â€‹

  • I have a vision to open Warrnambool’s first integrative women’s health clinic (keep your eyes peeled!)

  • I have given birth to two angel babies. When I see a rainbow I know they are looking over me

  • I don’t believe that we are ever truly stuck in life, we simply need to be willing (and brave enough) to pivot and choose a different path for ourselves

  • James, Milo & Loki (our fur babies!) & I love getting away each month for a long weekend in our caravan. Our favourite spot right now is Apollo Bay

  • I'm a grounded Capricorn, ISFP-T & Generator 

  • I have never worked on my birthday for my entire working life!

  • I truly believe that Motherhood comes in many forms, and that however it comes to you is a miracle

  • I absolutely love having professional photography done and believe all women should invest in having their photo taken at least once a year.

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Kind words

Receiving your work before the birth of my baby was so beautiful... I was feeling so stuck and stagnant; experiencing blocks that I couldn’t quite put into words, and with your loving work on my energy I felt lighter- I still remember just crying tears of gratitude. I think we the gentle way in which you work with women is going to see such fruitful abundance in your life!

Lauren Masterson

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